Health > Diet

Tofu with salted egg yolk and shrimp


Health > Diet

Tofu with salted egg yolk and shrimp

This salty and delicious egg yolk shrimp tofu is not only beautiful in color, but also delicious, simple, convenient and easy to make. It is a welcome dish for guests. May 17, 2024

About the recipes

This salty and delicious egg yolk shrimp tofu is not only beautiful in color, but also delicious, simple, convenient and easy to make. It is a welcome dish for guests.


Tofu is rich in protein, which can increase nutrition and help digestion. It can be eaten in an appropriate amount. Soybean protein is high in it. In addition, there are a variety of vitamins and mineral elements. The calcium element in it can prevent osteoporosis and has the effect of strengthening the body.
Salted egg yolk contains unsaturated fatty acids and lecithin, which are important elements needed by the human body. However, it is not suitable to eat more because of the high cholesterol content. It tastes fresh, smooth, tender and not greasy. It is a household dish with high nutritional value.



2   Salted egg yolk
180 g Tofu
30 g Shrimp
8 g Scallion
8 g Starch water
4 g Pepper


Cooking Steps

1、Prepare the necessary ingredients

2、Cut tofu into even sized cubes

3、Mash the salted duck egg yolk

4、Peel off the shell of the shrimp and clean it, or marinate it with salt

5、Heat the pan with oil and stir fry the egg yolks

6、Add a bowl of boiling water and boil for half a minute

7、Put in tofu and cook for a few seconds

8、Add shrimps and boil

9、Add a little salt and pepper to taste and cook for another half minute. Make sure the salt is less

10、Add starch water to thicken

11、Boil it and sprinkle it with scallions. You can eat it

