Health > Knowledges

Sputum is the signal of lung disease. What do black, yellow, white and red sputum represent respectively


Health > Knowledges

Sputum is the signal of lung disease. What do black, yellow, white and red sputum represent respectively

Cough, sputum and other symptoms, I believe most people have experienced it. Some people even take medicine when they cough and they don't get better. It is said that phlegm is one of the signs of lung health. What do the different colors of phlegm represent? If I accidentally swallow the phlegm, is there any harm? May 31, 2024

Cough, sputum and other symptoms, I believe most people have experienced it. Some people even take medicine when they cough and they don't get better. It is said that phlegm is one of the signs of lung health. What do the different colors of phlegm represent? If I accidentally swallow the phlegm, is there any harm?

Will it be harmful if you swallow the sputum carelessly

If you go out in public and find that you cough and spit, you can't spit everywhere, can you? If you take paper towels with you, you can wrap them in paper towels and throw them into the garbage can. What if you swallow them carelessly? First of all, sputum is a secretion of the human respiratory tract. In order to ensure that the airway mucosa is moist, some secretion will be produced every day. Once microbial infection occurs, the airway secretion may be too much and sputum may be produced.

Expectoration is actually a kind of protection for the body. When sputum is coughed up, some harmful substances in the body will also be adhered and discharged from the body. Generally, if the sputum is swallowed, the bacteria in it will also be killed by the corrosion of gastric acid, which will not cause too much harm to the human body. However, if the bacteria are strong and can withstand the corrosion of gastric acid, swallowing sputum may lead to the spread of bacteria in the body, and even cause gastrointestinal tract infection. For example, it is better not to swallow sputum in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis, and when coughing and expectorating, avoid people around to avoid infection.


Coughing up black sputum, yellow sputum, white sputum... What does it imply

Although everyone occasionally has cough, expectoration and other symptoms, in fact, the sputum of different people is different. What does the sputum of different colors represent?

1、 White sputum: white sputum is generally dry sputum, cold sputum and wet sputum. Dry sputum is related to dry weather and needs to nourish yin and moisten dryness. Cold phlegm is mostly caused by cold evil entering the lungs, which generally needs to dissipate cold and warm the lungs. Wet sputum is more common in obese and alcoholics.
2、 Yellow sputum or yellow green sputum: this color of sputum is mostly caused by purulent inflammation or pulmonary tuberculosis caused by respiratory tract infection.
3、 Red sputum or brown sputum: in case of red sputum or brown sputum, be careful that it is caused by lung cancer, bronchiectasis, tuberculosis and other diseases, and investigate and treat it as soon as possible.
4、 Black sputum or grey sputum: Black sputum or grey sputum is related to a large amount of dust inhalation, smoking and other reasons.

Phlegm can cause various diseases. How to "dissolve phlegm"

Li Shizhen once said that "phlegm can cause all kinds of diseases". Therefore, once it is found that there is phlegm, it is the key to dissolve it in time. So how can we dissolve it? Sputum is mostly the product of respiratory diseases. If it is not discharged in time, it is likely to accumulate in the lungs, thus aggravating respiratory diseases. If sputum flows in the body and reaches the heart, it may cause mental disorder. Sputum cementation in the liver may also induce irritability, good depression, chest pain and other symptoms. Once sputum flows in the meridians, it may also lead to problems in the circulation of Qi and blood. For people who often cough and have sputum, it is important to do a good job in preventing sputum.

1、 Eat regularly and eat less greasy food
In terms of diet, we should ensure balanced nutrition and regular diet, avoid excessive consumption of greasy food, and reduce sputum production.
2、 Keep warm to avoid catching cold
After catching a cold, the gasification function of the human body will be hindered and sputum production will become more. Therefore, it is necessary to take warm measures to avoid catching a cold.
3、 Avoid overwork and exercise properly

Overwork will lead to physical dysfunction and sputum may increase. It is recommended to combine work and rest and exercise properly.
Sputum, as a secretion of the respiratory tract, is generally nothing for ordinary patients to swallow, but if the sputum of patients with tuberculosis and other diseases is used, it may cause other infections. We should try our best to prevent and resolve phlegm, eat regularly, wear warm clothes, and avoid overwork.
