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Can I lose weight without supper? Be careful. The more you don't eat, the heavier it will be


Health > Knowledges

Can I lose weight without supper? Be careful. The more you don't eat, the heavier it will be

The living conditions of modern people are better, but it seems that there are more and more fat people around us. I don't know when it began. There was a saying in the community that people could lose weight if they didn't eat dinner. Therefore, many people began to "follow the trend" and "avoid" dinner. However, those who insist on not eating dinner will gradually find that it is not practical to achieve the goal of losing weight by simply skipping dinner. Not only has the weight not been reduced, but also the resistance has become worse and worse, which may have adverse effects on physical health. Jun 02, 2024

The living conditions of modern people are better, but it seems that there are more and more fat people around us. I don't know when it began. There was a saying in the community that people could lose weight if they didn't eat dinner. Therefore, many people began to "follow the trend" and "avoid" dinner.
However, those who insist on not eating dinner will gradually find that it is not practical to achieve the goal of losing weight by simply skipping dinner. Not only has the weight not been reduced, but also the resistance has become worse and worse, which may have adverse effects on physical health.

The harm of skipping dinner

1. Easy to be malnourished
For most students and office workers, they are used to not eating breakfast, or they eat a single breakfast. And lunch at school or work is also mostly fast food, which rarely achieves nutritional balance.
Therefore, dinner is the most important meal for many people. If we don't eat dinner, breakfast and lunch have not changed, and in the long run, it is easy to lead to malnutrition.
For women, long-term malnutrition and unbalanced diet will also lead to endocrine disorders and poor complexion. In addition, skipping dinner can also easily induce hypoglycemia, resulting in insufficient nutrition supply to organs, and the human body's resistance will also decline.

2. Easy to cause digestive system diseases
Skipping meals at night is very harmful to the stomach and intestines. Generally, there is a gap of more than ten hours between Chinese food and breakfast the next day. If there is no food in the stomach for digestion for a long time, the gastric acid secreted will directly damage the gastric mucosa. In the long run, it may cause stomach diseases such as gastritis and gastric ulcer.

3. Affect sleep
Many people think that eating too much before bed will affect sleep. In fact, skipping dinner will also affect sleep. This is because it is easy to feel hungry when you go to bed without dinner. If this hunger is not satisfied, it will make you irritable, irritable and difficult to sleep.
However, if the quality of sleep is not good, the body will not get a normal rest, and the next day will feel very tired, unable to concentrate, and the efficiency of work and study will become low.
In addition, poor sleep and excessive fatigue are also easy to make your appetite soar. If you can't keep your mouth shut, you will be more likely to get fat in the end.

4. Easy to get fat
It is true that skipping dinner for a short time may make you thinner, but skipping dinner for a long time will slow down your metabolism, which will reduce your basic metabolic rate over time and form a vicious circle.
In this case, even if you eat the same amount of food as before, because the metabolic rate decreases, fat will slowly accumulate, and you will be fat, or even fatter than before (commonly known as "rebound").
In fact, eating three meals a day conforms to the normal dietary law of the human body. If you violate this Law and fail to absorb enough energy on time, your metabolism will slow down and the energy consumed by your body will be reduced, which is not conducive to weight loss.
Moreover, the operation of the human body needs energy support. If you don't eat dinner for a long time, the calories of the food you eat at breakfast and lunch will be automatically converted into fat, so that you may gain weight instead. And once you resume eating, your weight will rebound very quickly.


How to eat dinner healthily

1. Mainly light, control the intake of greasy, high carbon water and high sugar food
Dinner should be cooked by cooking and stewing, and the taste should be as light as possible. Staple food can be more coarse grain instead of refined rice and flour, and more vegetables; However, the intake of fruits (especially high sugar fruits) and meat should be controlled.
This is because if you eat a lot of greasy food at dinner, it will not only increase the burden on the intestines and stomach, but also stimulate the nerve center and affect the quality of sleep.
If you eat a lot of high-carbon water and high sugar food in dinner, your blood sugar will suddenly rise in the short term, which may cause adverse reactions in multiple organs, and in the long term, it may cause diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, etc.
In addition, if dinner is too greasy and calorie is too high, the excess fat intake will cause the elevation of blood lipids, which will lead to arteriosclerosis and coronary heart disease, which is also very harmful to people with liver and kidney diseases.

2. Dinner time should not be too late
In addition to light dinner, we should also pay attention to the time of dinner. It is generally recommended that the dinner time should not exceed 7 p.m.
If you eat dinner too late and go to bed immediately after eating, when you are asleep, the blood flow rate will slow down and the urine excretion will be reduced. In addition to being absorbed by the human body, the rest of the calcium salt in the diet must be excreted through urine, and people who are sleeping can't excrete it in time, so they are prone to urethral stones.

3. Don't overeat dinner
Usually at night, we are not as busy as in the daytime, and we have relatively abundant dinner time, so it is easy to eat a lot of dinner or eat too much.
Overeating and overeating at dinner and excessive energy intake are likely to cause obesity, which will lead to other related diseases and affect physical health. Therefore, a healthy dinner should not be full, and it is healthier to be full at seven to eight.
In fact, the correct way to lose weight should mainly control the "amount of exercise" and "intake". Only by properly controlling these two things and maintaining a healthy physical state, can we achieve twice the result with half the effort.
