Fitness > Knowledge

The best way to train your back: pull-ups, these 2 movements are recommended to help you train your back better


Fitness > Knowledge

The best way to train your back: pull-ups, these 2 movements are recommended to help you train your back better

If we want to have a better back training effect, then pull-ups are almost a must-do training movement in the process of back training, pull-ups are an excellent way to train your back. There are many different types of pull-ups, and we need to do some of the more important ones to improve our back training. May 12, 2024

If we want to have a better back training effect, then pull-ups are almost a must-do training movement in the process of back training, pull-ups are an excellent way to train your back. There are many different types of pull-ups, and we need to do some of the more important ones to improve our back training.

The pull-ups

For example, if we can do these 2 types of pull-ups well, we will be able to improve our back training to a certain extent. The next thing I'd like to do is introduce you to these 2 types of pull-ups, and I hope you can help yourself to have a better back training effect through these 2 types of pull-ups.

One, the wide spaced front hand pull-up

This is the type of pull-up that I believe many of you have done, especially for those of us with some training experience.

I would like to say that this is a good way to train the large round muscles in your back.

Although we can also train our latissimus dorsi when we do the wide front hand pull-up, the main effect is to train the large round muscles of our back.

What we need to know is that if we can train our big round muscles well, then our back will become wider to a certain extent.

In other words, if we want to make our back muscles wider, we should do more wide spaced forehand pull-ups.

Two: Backhand middle grip pull-ups

There are two main muscles that are better stimulated when we do a backhand middle grip pull-up: the latissimus dorsi on our back and the biceps on our arms.

The main muscle that is stimulated is the latissimus dorsi, which means that if we want to get a better grip on the latissimus dorsi through pull-ups, then we can use a backhand medium grip pull-up.

What we need to know is that if we train our latissimus dorsi, we will be able to make our back muscles look more coordinated.

During back training, if we want to work mainly on the large round muscles, then we can do a few sets of forehand wide grip pull-ups followed by a few sets of backhand medium grip pull-ups.

Conversely, if we want to work mainly on the latissimus dorsi, then we can do backhand medium grip pull-ups first, and then go for the forehand wide grip pull-ups.

Finally, I would like to say that a wide grip means that our grip is wider than our shoulder width, and a medium grip means that our grip is equal to our shoulder width.

