Our fitness training, there is such an unarmed training action, I believe we have the vast majority of acquaintances should be done, this training action is push-ups, for push-ups this action, I want to say is that this is a better chest unarmed training action, if we can go to the push-ups this action well, and can adhere to, have a plan to do, then it can help We go to train a strong chest muscles.
In the minds of many of our friends, may think that push-ups is a relatively simple manual training movements, do not need to learn how to do it very well. Although the push-up movement seems to be relatively simple, but we need to pay attention to the details of the push-up movement when we do it, or more than count.
For example, such as the 2 details, if we can go in the push-ups, to note that if we can help us better to complete the push-ups action, thus helping us to have a better training effect.
One, when doing push-ups, the head should not be too far back
Many of us in doing push-ups, there may be a mistake, that is, in the process of doing the action, let their head too much backward, that is, deliberately to the head back to the top.
Because many of us do push-ups, if you want to do up more times, then you may let your head back, so as to achieve a lending effect, to help us to do more push-ups.
However, if we do so, that is, the head deliberately back to the top of the words, not only will make our neck muscles overly tense, but also let us do push-ups, there are some muscle force problems.
Generally speaking, the more correct approach, should be to let our chin inward some, that is, let us go to do a similar head-down action to maintain our correct muscle force, that is, better to let the chest muscle force.
Second, do the action process, sink the shoulders as well as collect the shoulder blades
We have to know is that if they do push-ups, not to do sink the shoulders and shoulder blades, then it is likely to make their own shrugging situation.
And when we do push-ups, there is a shrugging situation, then it is likely to make our shoulder muscles, too tense when doing the action, so that the shoulder muscles are too much force, to affect the training effect of our chest muscles.
And, when we do push-ups, to consciously sink the shoulders and tighten the shoulder blades, but also to make their own arms inward some, from their own chest muscles in the process of doing push-ups, to have a better force.
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