Fitness > Knowledge

What exercise should I choose to lose weight? Can you lose weight by insisting on brisk walking every day?


Fitness > Knowledge

What exercise should I choose to lose weight? Can you lose weight by insisting on brisk walking every day?

In the past few years, more and more people know the importance of fitness, we know that adhere to fitness exercise can strengthen the body, strengthen the body's immunity, but also to enhance the body's activity metabolism, and promote the decomposition of fat. However, different exercises, calorie consumption value is different, fat burning efficiency will also be different. Jun 24, 2024

In the past few years, more and more people know the importance of fitness, we know that adhere to fitness exercise can strengthen the body, strengthen the body's immunity, but also to enhance the body's activity metabolism, and promote the decomposition of fat. However, different exercises, calorie consumption value is different, fat burning efficiency will also be different. So, can you lose weight by insisting on brisk walking every day? It depends on the specific situation.


If you change from a sedentary state to a daily brisk walk for an hour, you can burn 350 more calories a day. 350 more calories a day, without changing your diet, is able to promote fat burning in the body.

If you do not control the diet, drink milk tea with fried chicken, calorie intake will be more than the usual 500-800 calories, the consumption of exercise is not as high as your intake of food calories, weight loss will become fattening.

Therefore, we need to adhere to the fitness exercise, but also need to reasonably control the diet, in order to avoid calorie overload, enhance the body's caloric gap, and promote the decline of body fat rate.

For people with large body weight, brisk walking exercise at the beginning of weight loss can gradually improve the exercise capacity, not easy to give up midway, but also can achieve a certain fat burning effect, but as the body gradually adapt to the intensity of the exercise, calorie consumption will also decline, and the efficiency of weight loss will be much less.

Therefore, at the beginning of fitness, we can start with low-intensity exercise, adhere to a period of time to enhance the intensity of training, try medium-intensity training, such as jogging, cycling, swimming, playing ball and other training, so that you can avoid the body into a bottleneck, sustained fat burning.

If you want to lose weight after the body proportions than others outstanding, to avoid too dry body, you also need to add strength training, such as from squats, push-ups, lunge squats, pull-ups, goat jerk, flat support and other movements.

Resistance training 2 times a week to exercise the whole body muscle groups, especially the thighs, pectoral muscles, back muscles and other large muscle groups, so as to effectively prevent muscle loss, maintain a strong basal metabolic value of the body, shaping a pair of easy to thin physique, thereby reducing the chances of re-fat, so that you maintain firm skin, as well as exuberant physical energy.

Finally, you need to understand that it takes time to achieve a body reversal, and you can't rush into it.

Weight loss needs to adhere to more than 3 months, after successful weight loss also need to spend 1-2 months to consolidate the body, can not immediately stop exercise or return to the previous state of diet, which is easy to regain weight.

In fact, fitness exercise is a thing worth a lifetime to adhere to, after successful weight loss we can reduce the number of exercises, keep the diet of self-discipline, so as to maintain a good figure.
