Health > Diet

Salad with black fungus


Health > Diet

Salad with black fungus

Black fungus has very high nutritional value. Compared with high-priced bird's nest, cheap fungus is really a delicious and healthy holy product that ordinary people can eat well on ordinary days. Jul 21, 2024

About the recipes

Black fungus has very high nutritional value. Compared with high-priced bird's nest, cheap fungus is really a delicious and healthy holy product that ordinary people can eat well on ordinary days.



According to relevant records, black fungus contains 8 kinds of amino acids necessary for the human body, and vitamin B2 is 10 times that of rice; it is also rich in iron, calcium and colloid.
Has a very good beauty effect.



80 g dried black fungus
appropriate amount   Scallion
appropriate amount   soy sauce
appropriate amount   Salt
appropriate amount   sugar
appropriate amount   sesame oil
appropriate amount   minced garlic
appropriate amount   minced ginger
appropriate amount   chili



Cooking Steps

  1. After soaking the dried fungus in water for 2 to 3 hours, wash and cut off the thicker part of the head, then cut into appropriate size pieces (or shredded), or add a little white fungus for color matching, which is equally delicious!! Onion, pepper, Ginger and garlic, washed and minced



  1. Put the fungus into the boiling water and blanch for about 5 minutes (if the fresh fungus is scalded for about 2 minutes)



  1. Pick up and drain the water and let it cool. The water must be completely drained so as not to affect the taste.



  1. Pour the fungus into a clean mixing bowl, add all the seasonings, mix well, seal with plastic wrap or cover, put it in the refrigerator and let it sit for a while to make it taste good



  1. After taking it out, add chopped green onion and mix it and serve it on a plate. The seasoning part of this cold salad dish does not add vinegar. Those who like some vinegar flavor can add some vinegar to taste.



