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Is "beer belly" really caused by drinking beer


Health > Knowledges

Is "beer belly" really caused by drinking beer

There is nothing more pleasant than a barbecue with beer at night, but it has been said that drinking beer will make people fat and lead to beer belly. Does drinking beer make people fat? Is "beer belly" really caused by drinking beer? Let's have a look. May 27, 2024

There is nothing more pleasant than a barbecue with beer at night, but it has been said that drinking beer will make people fat and lead to beer belly. Does drinking beer make people fat? Is "beer belly" really caused by drinking beer? Let's have a look.


What is the reason of "beer belly"

We often refer to those middle-aged men with big stomachs as "beer belly". This is largely because these middle-aged men need to socialize and often drink beer. Over time, people have added the crime of men getting fat and having bigger stomachs to beer. Moreover, with the development of society, beer belly has become more and more young.
In fact, belly enlargement is the common name of abdominal obesity. This obesity is caused by the accumulation of fat in internal organs. The main reason is obesity. Obesity is mainly related to energy intake and consumption. If energy intake is greater than energy consumption, it will lead to obesity, and fat will easily accumulate in the stomach.


Is "beer belly" really caused by drinking beer

The root cause of beer belly is obesity, which is related to energy balance. Therefore, it is too wrong to say that the culprit is beer.
First of all, ordinary beer itself is not a high energy food. Second, alcohol metabolism is not stored in the body as energy. Beer is not high energy in alcohol, nor is it more energy than other common drinks. The energy metabolism of alcohol is different from the three major energy supply substances (protein, fat and carbohydrate) we usually eat. It will hardly be stored in the body as energy.
Obesity is also related to people's daily diet. If the total energy intake is not high and the energy consumption is large, it will not lead to obesity and fat accumulation in the abdomen. From the whole diet, beer is only a source of energy. If the total energy intake is not large, it will not lead to abdominal obesity. Therefore, it is a bit wrong to say that beer is the culprit of "beer belly".
Therefore, from the current point of view, it is difficult to say that beer is the culprit of "beer belly"; Drinking a small amount of beer does not necessarily lead to abdominal obesity. However, if you drink more beer and still eat with a big mouth, and do not exercise, it is even more difficult to be fat.


Can I drink freely

Although it is said that drinking a small amount of beer does not necessarily lead to a beer belly. However, this does not mean that you can drink freely.
First of all, drinking more beer will make you more likely to gain weight. Although beer has low energy, it still contains energy. The ethanol in the wine can be converted into acetic acid, and enter the tricarboxylic acid cycle to be converted into ATP, the energy available to cells. Although the efficiency of alcohol conversion into energy in the human body is not high, after all, a little makes a lot, and it cannot be ignored.
Alcohol can also weaken the body's fat metabolism. Our body cannot store alcohol. Alcohol will be metabolized and consumed quickly after drinking. After drinking alcohol, the speed of fat consumption in the body obviously decreases, because the human body must first metabolize the energy of alcohol. If the consumed fat is not consumed, the storage amount of fat will be increased.
Drinking can also increase appetite and make people eat more food unconsciously. When you drink wine, the more you drink, the more you will drink. In fact, your appetite increases after drinking. Studies have found that when people eat, if they drink, they tend to eat more and get fat more easily.


The harm of heavy drinking

Drinking a lot of alcohol will also increase the risk of various chronic diseases and bury hidden dangers for health.
Studies have found that even a small amount of alcohol can increase the risk of liver cirrhosis, cancer and other diseases. Because even if you drink a small amount of alcohol (no more than 25 grams of alcohol per day), the risk of disease will increase, such as oral cancer, pharyngeal cancer, esophageal cancer, laryngeal cancer, breast cancer, primary hypertension, liver cirrhosis, chronic pancreatitis and other diseases. The more you drink, the greater the risk.
Therefore, even if drinking beer will not make you grow a "beer belly", it is recommended that you do not drink alcohol.
