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What's wrong with running for four months straight and getting much worse? How can I fix it?


Fitness > Knowledge

What's wrong with running for four months straight and getting much worse? How can I fix it?

Running itself is indeed a good thing, but if you utilize the wrong method, it will bring bad results as usual, so running is really not simple, we must pay attention to the method! I met many runners when I was running, many of my friends got injured because of running, some lost their health, some herpes immunity, some runners even hurt their knees, hurt the soles of their feet, hurt their Achilles tendons! May 10, 2024

Running itself is indeed a good thing, but if you utilize the wrong method, it will bring bad results as usual, so running is really not simple, we must pay attention to the method! I met many runners when I was running, many of my friends got injured because of running, some lost their health, some herpes immunity, some runners even hurt their knees, hurt the soles of their feet, hurt their Achilles tendons!

After four months of continuous running, the body has become much worse, what is wrong? How to fix it? Let me talk to you today!


1. Running too much

If you run for four months in a row and don't give your body enough rest, then our body is likely to get worse and worse. In fact, our exercise is divided into two parts, one is exercise and the other is repair, and repair is just as important as exercise!

Look at the top athletes, they all take a lot of time to let their bodies recover, so as a runner, we should never run too much, let alone for months on end, as that will only make the fitness worse and worse!

2. Not keeping up with nutrition

Some people not only run for four months straight in order to lose weight, they even eat very little dinner and only a little lunch during those four months! What is the purpose of doing this? In fact, this will only make our bodies worse and worse!

For normal people, even if they don't run, don't eat dinner and eat less Chinese food, their bodies will still get worse, and if they run for months on end, their bodies will definitely not be able to take it, and their physical fitness will definitely decline!

3. Unscientific methods

Some people like running very much and run for four months in a row, in fact, doing aerobic exercise is not the best, some people do more aerobic exercise, muscle strength will decline, which will also indirectly lead to a decline in physical quality!


After running for four months in a row, my body is not as good as it used to be, how can I fix it?


1. Reduce the amount of running

We shouldn't be too obsessed with running for months on end, we should do moderate exercise and run off and on! I suggest that we can run every other day, no more than 6km at a time, or stick to running four to five times a week!

This way, we have three days a week to give our bodies a good rest and in the process of resting, our physical fitness improves!

2. Nutrient supplementation

Vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, fibre, all kinds of nutrients are necessary for the body to repair itself! If the nutrition is not balanced and the body is overdrawn by running every day, the body will get worse and worse!

So we must eat well, eat when we should, don't over diet and don't overeat, we must grasp a degree, so that after the workout, your body has enough nutrients to repair and your physical fitness can become stronger!

