Fitness > Knowledge

A few principles of strength training to help you build a muscular body faster!


Fitness > Knowledge

A few principles of strength training to help you build a muscular body faster!

When it comes to fitness, will you attach importance to strength training or cardio? The majority of people who start a fitness program will pay attention to cardio, and a few will pay attention to strength training. Jun 06, 2024

When it comes to fitness, will you attach importance to strength training or cardio? The majority of people who start a fitness program will pay attention to cardio, and a few will pay attention to strength training.

Fitness professionals know the importance of strength training, for example, to prevent muscle loss and create a great body line, but also to keep you strong and fit, keep your skin tight and resist the onset of ageing effectively.

However, strength training also needs to follow the right training principles in order to reduce the chance of injury and improve fitness efficiency. There are several principles of strength training to help you build a muscular body faster!

The first principle, compound action priority

The first principle is to keep in mind the priority of compound action over isolated action when it comes to strength training, especially for newcomers to fitness to choose multi-joint participation in order to mobilize more muscle groups to participate in exercise, enhance the efficiency of muscle building, and balance the development of the body.

You can choose pull-ups, hard pulls, rowing and other compound movements for back training, bench presses and push-ups for chest training, and deep squats, hip legs and lunge squats for hip and leg training.


The second principle, enhance the protein intake

Light practice does not eat fake, fitness exercise, the body will consume more calories, and the growth of muscle can not be separated from protein to provide raw material support, such as eggs, milk, fish, beef, chicken breast, etc. are high protein sources, can give the body to supplement amino acids, to promote muscle synthesis.

Our daily protein intake should be 1.2-1.5g per kilogram of body weight. If your weight is 50kg, then you should supplement with at least 60g of protein a day to give your body enough nutrients.

Third principle, rationalise muscle groups and combine work and rest

The target muscle groups cannot be exercised every day, we have to allocate muscle group training reasonably, muscle growth is not during training, but during rest time. After training the muscle fibres are in a state of tearing, at this time the muscles will absorb energy and slowly repair, this cycle is around 2-3 days.

Therefore, after each workout we have to rest for 2-3 days before we can start the next round of training. If you are working out with a full body muscle group each time, then rest for about 3 days after each workout. If you train 4-5 times a week, then you can schedule 2-3 different muscle groups to work out each day.

Fourth principle, ensure adequate rest

When the body is asleep, the body function repair efficiency is the highest, is also the prime time for muscle synthesis and repair. If you always stay up late and sleep poorly, then the body will age faster and the efficiency of muscle building will decline.

During the fitness muscle gain period, we should learn to go to bed early on a regular basis, improve the quality of sleep, and ensure enough sleep time every day in order to improve the efficiency of muscle gain.
