Fitness > Knowledge

For those who work out, a few signs mean you're overtraining


Fitness > Knowledge

For those who work out, a few signs mean you're overtraining

A moderate amount of fitness can help your health, while excessive fitness is harmful to your health. So, do you have a good grasp of the fitness process? Are you overtraining? When you choose to train at a high intensity that is not suitable for you, the damage to your body can be very high and can even be life-threatening. Jun 15, 2024

A moderate amount of fitness can help your health, while excessive fitness is harmful to your health. So, do you have a good grasp of the fitness process? Are you overtraining? When you choose to train at a high intensity that is not suitable for you, the damage to your body can be very high and can even be life-threatening.

Some people are blindly confident when working out and perform 200 weighted deep squats at one time. For people with no fitness experience, such training can easily lead to muscle dissolution problems and even blood in the urine. Some people who carry out equipment to train their legs are not well protected and their movements are not guaranteed, and they end up directly crushing their legs.

Fitness is about health, not about harming your health. Fitness must pay attention to intensity and time, not the harder you work, the better the results.

Fitness people, if you appear these signs, means you overtrained, need to reduce the training difficulty, or rest.

Point 1: Insomnia and rapid heartbeat after training

Moderate training helps to improve the quality of sleep, and a deep sleep state helps the body to repair its functions. While overtraining will make your brain hyperactive, your heartbeat remains accelerated after training, your heart rate is out of whack, you are prone to insomnia at night, and your sleep quality will deteriorate, which means that overtraining will lead to impaired bodily functions and your sleep quality will be affected.

Point 2. Muscle soreness for too long

Strength training will make the muscle tear, muscle fibres in the process of sufficient, you will feel the target muscle group soreness phenomenon, usually rest 2-3 days time to recover.

Whereas people who don't normally exercise and suddenly train at a high intensity will overproduce lactic acid and the muscle soreness will last longer without recovery. If you find that the soreness does not improve after 5 days, it means that you have overtrained.

We must reduce the difficulty of training, choose training that we can afford and start with low intensity training in order to exercise more safely and efficiently.


Point 3, poor mental state after working out

People who work out in moderation can promote cell regeneration and help prolong their lives. The mental state will be better after each training, especially for those who have been working out for a long time, you will find that the eyes are getting more and more lively and people are becoming energetic.

Instead, people who overwork out will feel exhausted after exercise, their energy has dropped and their work efficiency is not as efficient as before, which means you have overtrained.

Point 4. Appetite has dropped after exercise

Moderate fitness helps to boost stomach power, which can promote intestinal peristalsis and a more normal appetite. Whereas overtrained people will feel sick to their stomachs, have no appetite and want to vomit. The body does not have enough oxygen to supply the digestion and operation of the intestines, and your ability to absorb and digest will be reduced.
