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Why should I increase my body's basal metabolism?


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Why should I increase my body's basal metabolism?

Is weight loss just about losing weight? If you also think that weight loss is simply a weight loss programme, then you are wrong. Many people want to lose weight in a short period of time during a diet, thinking that the faster they lose weight, the better. They feel that the more weight they lose, the better their weight loss will be. Jun 23, 2024

Is weight loss just about losing weight? If you also think that weight loss is simply a weight loss programme, then you are wrong. Many people want to lose weight in a short period of time during a diet, thinking that the faster they lose weight, the better. They feel that the more weight they lose, the better their weight loss will be.

If you think so too, then you are wrong. Losing weight too quickly in a short period of time is not proof that you are losing weight well, it means that there is something wrong with your health.

According to science, it is reasonable for a person to lose about 4-5 pounds in a month during weight loss. If you lose 20 pounds in a month, then there is something really wrong with your body and it is time to get it checked out.

So don't go overboard with your weight loss during weight loss because the goal of weight loss is fat loss, not just weight loss. During weight loss, you are most likely losing water, muscle, inorganic salts, and other nutrients from your body, and it is not easy to lose fat.

Fat loss, on the other hand, requires increasing your body's basal metabolism, activity metabolism, etc. to burn excess calories in your body in order to break down and burn more fat, thus achieving a body reversal.

However, not everyone who slims down loses weight, some people even experience weight gain, why is this?

Because some people add strength training to their weight loss process, which will boost their muscle mass and thus drive up their weight. Although body fat is lost, muscle mass is boosted and your body maintains a tight, defined look, which is the kind of weight loss that all people who lose weight want.

Of course, an increase in muscle mass while losing weight means that the body's metabolic capacity has also been boosted. Muscle burns a lot of calories in the body during both exertion and growth, and can increase the body's metabolic capacity.

So, how can we improve our metabolism during weight loss? We can follow these methods and do them consistently. 3 months down the line, the body's condition and self-regulation, etc. will be improved.

The first method: insist on going to bed early, go to bed between 10pm and 11pm every night

Going to bed early can help our body to enter a state of self-regulation on time. In this process of repair, recovery and regulation, our body's metabolism will slowly rise.

When you have had enough rest, your body will be able to function at a higher rate. We need to get into the habit of going to bed early to ensure that we get enough sleep to slowly increase your weight loss rate.


Second method: insist on drinking enough water every day

The first step to losing weight is to cut out drinks, but it is also important to drink plenty of water. Drinking water can improve your body's sense of satiety, promote bowel movement, improve your body's ability to digest and absorb, expel excess waste and toxins from your body, promote your body's functioning, and help to help improve your body's metabolism.

The third method: insist on doing 20 minutes of strength training before doing cardio

If you want your body to burn fat faster, then doing 20 minutes of strength training before exercising can effectively promote your body's fat burning efficiency. In the process of doing strength training, you can raise your heart rate, activate your body's muscle groups, achieve a warm-up effect, and also improve your body's overall fat burning efficiency.

Regular strength training boosts muscle mass, which consumes a lot of calories in the process of repairing, consuming and metabolising to keep the body active, which effectively boosts the body's basal metabolism.


Fourth way: Eat foods high in protein and dietary fibre

Eating foods high in protein can increase the body's thermogenic effect of food and the amount of calories it needs to digest these foods. And foods with dietary fibre can promote bowel movement, improve the body's digestion and absorption ability, and improve avoidance of troubles.

All in all, with these 4 methods adhered to for 3 months or more, you will noticeably feel slimmer, your body becomes much more relaxed, and your energy and vitality is boosted.
