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4 running methods to improve running staying power and reap the multiple benefits of running!


Fitness > Knowledge

4 running methods to improve running staying power and reap the multiple benefits of running!

Running is a fitness program for the general public with a relatively low threshold. Long-term running can reap several benefits, such as improving cardiorespiratory fitness, promoting body fat burning, maintaining lower limb flexibility and resisting the speed of aging. Jun 25, 2024

Running is a fitness program for the general public with a relatively low threshold. Long-term running can reap several benefits, such as improving cardiorespiratory fitness, promoting body fat burning, maintaining lower limb flexibility and resisting the speed of aging.

So, how long can you keep up with jogging every day? Most people swear by it when they first start running, but they don't last more than a few days before they give up. Most people don't find a running pace that suits them and fail to reap the benefits of running.

And some people only run in summer and stop running in winter due to weather problems. Therefore, we can see that there are many people running in summer and few in winter.

To improve running motivation, we need to choose the right method instead of blindly running blindly. Keeping these few running principles in mind, I believe you can stick to it for a longer time.

Principle 1, mainly jogging, interval running as advanced training

Running is not a competition of speed, fast running belongs to anaerobic exercise, can last for a relatively short time, mainly to exercise muscle, can not consume fat, you have to find a suitable running speed to stick to.

The running speed for newbies can be controlled at 6-8KM per hour, adjust your breathing and ensure that your heart rate is within an acceptable range, generally at about 65%-85% of the highest heart rate, which can not only exercise your heart and lung function, but also promote calorie consumption, allowing you to slowly slim down.

After a period of jogging, you will find that your running ability is slowly improving and your acceptable running speed has increased, so at this time we can increase the difficulty of training and do variable speed running, which is a combination of jogging and fast running.

This is a combination of aerobic and anaerobic training, which is a high-intensity interval exercise and requires a higher level of cardio-respiratory fitness, so people with a certain level of physical fitness will be able to stick to it. Interval running can quickly raise the heart rate, exercise the body muscle groups, each time only need 20 minutes to achieve the effect of fat burning and shaping.

Principle 2, a reasonable running distance

Many people's physical foundation is relatively poor, do not start off with a customized running 10 km plan, you are very difficult to stick to it.

People who usually lack exercise, when you first start running, you can take 3 km as the goal, when you feel that jogging 3 km is not too difficult, you can increase to 4 km, 5 km, so that you can gradually improve the running staying power.

Principle 3, reasonable rest time

Running training does not need to punch the clock every day, a week needs to give the body 1-2 days off time, combining work and rest, the second week to power to continue running.

Runners, a week can rest 1-2 days to relax the body, running interest will be higher than the daily punch card running people, the staying power will also be longer, can be in the running road to persist longer.

Principle 4, do not run on an empty stomach, do not run after eating a full meal

Running should also master the correct time period, although the fat burning effect of running on an empty stomach is good, but it is easy to trigger hypoglycemia, which is not conducive to running staying power, so it is not recommended to run on an empty stomach, half an hour before running can be supplemented with a little food, so that you can run more durable.

It is also not suitable for running exercise within 1 hour after meal, especially after lunch or dinner, the stomach and intestines are digesting, this time running is easy to cause bouts of gas, it is recommended to rest for 1 hour before starting running training.
