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Master 3 running essentials to boost fat burning efficiency!


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Master 3 running essentials to boost fat burning efficiency!

Weight loss, have you chosen the right method? Running is a good exercise with good fat burning efficiency and is suitable for most people to exercise. Jul 04, 2024

Weight loss, have you chosen the right method? Running is a good exercise with good fat burning efficiency and is suitable for most people to exercise. So, how can a novice train for running to improve fat burning? You need to master these points.

Point 1, about the length of running

Do not customize an unrealistic running plan, but start from your own physical condition. For newbies, it is unreliable to complete a 1-hour running plan every day. Most fat people are overweight and have a relatively poor fitness base, so it is difficult to stick to 1 hour of running training.

It is recommended that when you first start, you start with a target of 20 minutes and clock in more than 4 times a week, so that you can slowly improve your cardiorespiratory function, and then extend it to 30 minutes after 2-3 weeks of adherence, to 40 minutes after 4 weeks of adherence, and to 60 minutes after 8 weeks, at which time you will find that the exercise staying power has been greatly improved and your body has been slimmed down by a circle.

Point 2, about running speed

Running mainly refers to jogging, jogging belongs to the sustainable adherence to aerobic exercise, can play a fat burning effect. And fast running belongs to the anaerobic exercise, easy to make you appear small thick legs, but also not easy to stick down, not suitable for novice exercise.

If you feel tired and can't run anymore, you can take a short break, change to a brisk walk, and then run again when your heart rate slowly recovers.

When you find that running is becoming more and more comfortable, running for an hour is easy, we can upgrade the difficulty of running, from uniform jogging to variable speed running, that is, slow running fast running combined training, for example: 100m fast running 100m slow running alternate training, equivalent to the combination of aerobic anaerobic exercise, each time only 20 minutes, it can make the body into a long time fat burning state, but also to prevent It also prevents muscle loss and helps to create a lean physique.


Point 3: About diet

Diet combined with exercise will double the efficiency of fat burning. It is not advisable to run on an empty stomach, it is easy to have hypoglycemia, weakness, running power will also be reduced.

Do not eat a full meal after exercise, easy to cause gastric fork, it is recommended that an hour after the meal and then open the running training. In terms of diet, we need to control our daily calorie intake to avoid calorie overload.

To boost your weight loss rate, reduce your daily calorie intake by about 20% from your usual level to create a certain calorie gap for your body. If your usual calorie intake is 2,000 calories a day, you can control it to 1,600 calories during the weight loss period, so that you consume 400 calories less per day.

Three meals can eat more high-fibre vegetables, such as: cabbage, celery, tomatoes, bitter gourd and other foods that can promote intestinal peristalsis and help the discharge of waste, so that the efficiency of weight loss will also follow the improvement.


To sum up: a good body needs the usual self-discipline, only open your legs, control your mouth, quit all kinds of vices in life, you can really slim down, have a healthy, physical, young face.
