Health > Diet

Clear Heat and Reduce Internal Heat—Mung Bean Porridge with Lotus Seed and Lily


Health > Diet

Clear Heat and Reduce Internal Heat—Mung Bean Porridge with Lotus Seed and Lily

As summer is approaching, the weather is hot, and people tend to sick of greasy meals. At this time, it is refreshing to have a bowl of mung bean porridge which helps clear heat and detoxify. The mung beans and lily both belong to refreshing ingredients, and the former can detoxify, which all suitable for eating in summer. Jul 06, 2024

About the recipes

As summer is approaching, the weather is hot, and people tend to sick of greasy meals. At this time, it is refreshing to have a bowl of mung bean porridge which helps clear heat and detoxify. The mung beans and lily both belong to refreshing ingredients, and the former can detoxify, which all suitable for eating in summer.



The lotus seeds have the effects of nourishing the spleen, relieving palpitation and insomnia, and nourishing the mind and calming the mind. Lily: helps detoxify, strengthen spleen and stomach, eliminate dampness and reduce accumulation, soothe the nerves, promote blood circulation, nourish yin and lungs, etc. And mung bean has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxification, relieving heat and annoyance, quenching thirst and nourishing stomach, inducing diuresis for removing edema.



28 g Lotus seed
20 g Lily
80 g rice
appropriate amount   white sugar
60 g mung beans



Cooking Steps

1、Prepare all ingredients. Soak the mung beans for more than 1 hour in advance, then put in the lotus seeds to soak until it turns soft, and soak the lily for 20 minutes


2、Put mung beans, rice and lotus seeds into the pot, add appropriate amount of water, boil on high heat and turn to low heat for 30 minutes


3、Add the lily and cook for 5 minutes


4、Add the right amount of sugar at the end and cook for a while
