Health > Diet

Scrambled Eggs with Loofah


Health > Diet

Scrambled Eggs with Loofah

Scrambled eggs withloofah is made from loofah and eggs, which is the most common way to eat loofah at home. Such a dish is both nutritious and light, with beautiful colors and delicious taste. Jul 20, 2024

About the recipes

Scrambled eggs withloofah is made from loofah and eggs, which is the most common way to eat loofah at home. Such a dish is both nutritious and light, with beautiful colors and delicious taste.



"Loofah is sweet and cool, enters the liver and stomach meridian; has the effect of eliminating heat and phlegm, cooling blood and detoxifying, relieving summer heat and calming mind, clearing the meridian and removing wind; it is used to treat fever, thirst, phlegm, cough, hemorrhoids, collapsing, bleaching, hemorrhage, sore ulcers, and women's breast milk deficiency. The loofah is sweet and natured, and passes through the twelve meridians, which can activate collateral relieve fever and clear phlegm."



appropriate amount   Salt
appropriate amount   Vegetable oil
appropriate amount   Scallion
200 g Loofah
150 g Egg



Cooking Steps

  1. Wash the loofah and shallots for later use


  1. Peel and wash the loofah, cut into strips about 4 cm long


  1. Chop the garlic cloves and green onions, and placed the latter’s white and green parts separately


  1. Break two eggs in a small bowl, add a spoonful of salt and a spoonful of cooking wine to the egg liquid, sprinkle a little pepper powder, and mix well with chopsticks


  1. Add oil in the pot, pour the adjusted egg liquid, stir-fry for a while, and remove for later use


  1. Add oil in the pot, then stir-fry the garlic and scallion until fragrant. Add loofah and fry for about 1 or 2 minutes before adding the fried egg. Add appropriate amount of salt and pepper and stir-fry until the loofah becomes soft, add chicken essence, green onion, and sesame oil to stir-fry, then remove and dish out
