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How to have a beautiful collarbone?


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How to have a beautiful collarbone?

Clavicle commonly known as "beauty bone", located in front of the upper thorax, across the junction of the neck and chest, the main attribute is to maintain the shoulder joint in a normal position, the hidden attribute is to make your body value up! Jul 22, 2024

The collarbone necklace and choker are popular in the fashion world, like it, right? Look good, right? Wearing them is a good way to modify your collarbone.

What? You say you don't have a collarbone? How is that possible, everyone has a collarbone, just different types, maybe you are not obvious collarbone type ......

1、What are the types of collarbone?

The clavicle, commonly known as the "beauty bone", is located in front of the upper thorax, across the junction of the neck and chest, the main attribute is to maintain the shoulder joint in a normal position, the hidden attribute is to make your body value up!

The clavicle itself is in the shape of a "tilted S" and is slightly higher on the lateral side than on the medial side. The medial end is thick and articulated with the sternal stalk, called the sternal end; the lateral end is flattened and articulated with the scapular crest, called the scapular end.

◆ Clavicle body: affects the shape and thickness of the clavicle presentation

According to the direction of the clavicle body, divided into a word and V-shaped. Which is more beautiful is a matter of opinion

a word type dignified atmosphere

V-shaped sexy style.

In addition to the shape, whether the clavicle body is flat and matches the body skeleton will also directly affect the temperament.

Sa has a small skeleton but a large and uneven clavicle body.

Zhang Yuqi bone structure is large, but the collarbone is very thin, there is a sense of contradiction:

◆ Sternal end: The key is to see the distance between the two sternal ends

Too close, the two clavicles will become one, very abrupt

Too far away, the shoulder does not look fluid

In fact, it is not scientific to look at one of the factors of the clavicle alone, because the clavicle as part of the body, no matter what, and the overall harmony with a good look is considered beautiful!

2, why is your collarbone not obvious?

The reasons may be.

◆ A short clavicle by nature and a slight concavity in the entire clavicle body.

◆ The surrounding related muscles are too developed or hoard more fat.

◆ The influence of bad posture in later years, such as containing chest, slippery shoulders, etc.

3、How to practice a beautiful collarbone?

◆ The first step: thin thin thin

When it comes to how to practice a charming collarbone, the important thing to say three times, of course, also need to thin! Thin! Thin! Imagine the fat accumulation in your collarbone nest, how can your collarbone line look clear?

◆ Step 2: Practice shoulder and neck

A pair of beautiful collarbones is largely dependent on a beautiful neck and shoulders. When the neck is slender, the shoulders are open, and the chest is open, the collarbone will be naturally beautiful and charming.

Arnold overhead press, shoulder front raise, and upper incline bench press training can set off the clavicular groove depth and line.

The upper incline bench press can focus on stimulating the upper fibers of the pectoralis major, which is the clavicular division of the pectoralis major.

Shoulder front raise can develop and train the small muscle groups of the shoulder.

◆ Step 3: Upper body stretching

The collarbone is in the neck area of the body, and the neck area is a place where fat and blood clogging can easily accumulate.

So you want to train your collarbone is to be sure to stretch these parts more. The company has a few simple small movements that can be practiced at home and at work.

Lateral Neck Stretch

Oblique lateral neck stretch

Latissimus dorsi stretch

Pectoralis major stretch

Anterior deltoid stretch

The above static stretches can be done according to the diagram, sexy collarbone is beckoning you!

