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Summer Weight Loss Tips


Health > Knowledges

Summer Weight Loss Tips

Today, we will share with you some weight loss tricks, hoping that you will get rid of the meat and spend the summer in a healthy and beautiful way! Sep 29, 2024

It is relatively easy to lose weight in summer because of the high temperature in summer, the body's metabolism accelerates and consumes energy efficiently, and because of the hot weather in summer, most people's appetite becomes not very good and they eat relatively little, so it is easier for people to lose weight in summer.

Today, we will share with you some weight loss tricks, hoping that you will get rid of the meat and spend the summer in a healthy and beautiful way!


Diet tips to reduce weight

1. Control your intake
The key to weight loss is to control your intake, follow a balanced diet, eat regularly and mix fine and coarse.

From a nutritional point of view, the daily nutrient requirements of the human body include protein, fat, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. We can make calculations based on our daily energy needs and make a reasonable mix according to the Chinese dietary pagoda to develop a diet that suits our needs.

Eating three meals a day regularly is conducive to food absorption, while keeping the ratio of calorie distribution among the three meals at 25%-50%-25%; the combination of coarse and fine grains in staple foods not only prolongs satiety time, but also slows down the rise of blood sugar, which helps inhibit fat accumulation.

2. Adjust the order of meals
It is recommended that the order of meals should be as follows: vegetables first, then meat, and finally main meals. This will not only ensure a balanced daily nutritional intake, but also reduce calorie intake and promote gastrointestinal tract movement, which helps to reduce weight.

3. A glass of water before meals
In fact, it's not just when you eat that you need to drink water; you should keep yourself hydrated during weight loss. Most people do not drink enough water in their daily lives, which not only makes them prone to hunger, but also slows down their metabolism.

A glass of water before meals helps to control your appetite as it fills some of the empty space in your stomach, allowing yourself to consume less food at meal times, thus achieving a full stomach faster.

4. Chew slowly and eat eight minutes of your meal
It takes about 20 minutes from the time you eat until your body receives the satiety signal. If you swallow too fast, you are likely to overeat, making your stomach larger and not conducive to weight loss.

Chewing and swallowing slowly will give your body enough time to receive the satiety signal and stop eating in time, thus helping to control the amount of food you eat. Keeping your meals at eight minutes full can effectively control your stomach volume and make you lose weight slowly.

5. Stay away from high-calorie and over-processed foods
Stay away from high-calorie and over-processed foods, such as milk tea and snacks, which have more calories than you can imagine. 100g of French fries can have 300Kcal, which is three times the calories of 100g of rice.

During weight loss, you should choose natural, low-calorie foods, as well as vegetables and fruits high in dietary fibre, etc.

6. Control fat and increase protein intake
Dietary fat intake should be controlled for people who are losing weight. Vegetable oils for cooking can be soybean oil, corn oil, sesame oil, peanut oil, rapeseed oil, etc.; it is best to avoid animal fats such as lard, butter and fatty meats.

Protein provides energy. Choose foods high in protein, such as milk, fish, eggs and lean meat, in your daily diet.

Adopt good habits to lose weight healthily

1. Exercise in moderation
Exercising in moderation can burn excess fat and improve immunity and resistance. At the same time, moderate exercise can also promote cell regeneration, slow down ageing and maintain skin elasticity.

Choose the right intensity of exercise for you.
★ Low-intensity activities: walking, easy yoga, etc.
★ Moderate intensity activities: cycling, table tennis, badminton, tai chi, dancing, etc.
★ High or very high intensity activities: football, skipping rope, swimming, etc.

2. Do not stay up late and develop a regular work schedule
Staying up late for a long time will lead to hormonal disruptions in the body, lowering leptin levels and raising cortisol levels, increasing fat production and causing body obesity.

It is best to go to bed before 11pm to ensure 7-8 hours of adequate sleep to improve metabolism levels and speed up weight loss.

3. Keep a good mood
If you want to lose weight successfully, your mindset is important. Almost all dieters, will encounter this psychological problem, during weight loss, depressed mood, hindered.

Conversely, a good mood can boost confidence in weight loss and promote motivation to lose weight. Weight loss does not happen overnight, so we hope that you will be rational and maintain a healthy mindset in order to persevere to the end and achieve success.

4. Set up a stage goal reward mechanism
The biggest problem with weight loss is that after controlling carbohydrates and calories, the shrinking of fat cells causes the brain to produce more dopamine at the sight of high-calorie foods, and the body is instinctively motivated to make weight loss itself more difficult.

Weight loss will be more effective if there is a reward mechanism in place during the weight loss process, such as rewarding yourself with a small gift when you reach a milestone to counteract the dopamine your body produces in response to food, especially with short-term incentives to lose weight.

Finally, although summer is a good season for weight loss, because of the heat, people are more likely to be lazy, so if you want to be beautiful, you must stick to these good habits!
