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4 ways to keep you consistently thin


Fitness > Knowledge

4 ways to keep you consistently thin

In the process of losing weight, we will encounter various problems. Many people find that weight loss is good when they first start losing weight, but after a period of time fat burning efficiency is getting worse, Jun 13, 2024

In the process of losing weight, we will encounter various problems. Many people find that weight loss is good when they first start losing weight, but after a period of time fat burning efficiency is getting worse, why is this? The body may have adapted to the pattern of weight loss, calorie consumption began to decline, and weight loss naturally fell into a bottleneck. During weight loss, have you encountered a bottleneck? How can you safely get through the bottleneck so you can keep losing weight and reap the benefits of a great body?


These are a few ways you can boost the calorie gap and promote a drop in body fat percentage.


Method 1, during the fitness period, strengthen the strength training

During weight loss, purely aerobic exercise will cause muscle loss. Muscle is an energy-consuming tissue, and muscle calorie consumption is several times higher than fat.

Want to maintain the body's vigorous basal metabolic value, we have to shorten the length of aerobic exercise, adding strength training. Adhering to strength training can enhance muscle dimension and prevent muscle loss, so that the body proportions will look better after slimming down and the basal metabolic value will be more vigorous.

There is no strength training foundation people can start with self-weight training, with muscle strength, and then dumbbells, elastic bands and other weight training, so you can gradually improve the muscle dimension, improve the speed of fat burning and shaping.

Method 2, avoid a single diet, balanced dietary nutrition

During the weight loss period we should reasonably control calorie intake, while avoiding a single diet. The method of eating only vegetables and fruits is not advisable because the body lacks carbohydrate and protein intake, metabolic power is insufficient and muscle synthesis will be hindered.

We need to learn to diversify our diet, under the premise of controlling calorie intake, to supplement the nutrients required by the body, intake of eggs, dairy products, staples, lean meat, fish and other foods, so that your body can operate more efficiently, reduce muscle loss, so as to break through the bottleneck, healthy and thin.

Method 3, improve the intensity of aerobic exercise

People who lose weight adhere to aerobic exercise can enhance the body's activity metabolism and promote the decomposition of fat. But the same exercise pattern for a long time will make the body gradually adapt to the pattern of exercise, fat burning efficiency will also decline.

Want to break through the bottleneck, we have to gradually improve the intensity of exercise as the ability to improve, replace the fat-burning efficiency of higher exercise, such as jumping rope, boxing, swimming, HIIT interval training, these are good aerobic exercise, you can alternate training.

Method 4, adhere to enough time

Want to break through the bottleneck, we need to adhere to enough time. Different people need different time, some people need half a month to break through the bottleneck, some people need more than 3 months to break through the bottleneck.

To achieve the ultimate victory in weight loss, we need to maintain enough patience, do not rush, and do not give up easily. So, adjust your mindset and stick to it so you can reap the benefits of a satisfying body.
